10 Things to Do Instead of Mindless Eating
Sometimes, the urge to eat that second (or 17th) cookie is so intense it feels like there's this crazy war in your head, screaming, "Yes, yes, yes, eat that cookie!" battling back and forth with, "No, no, no, don't you dare do it!"
1. Get out your journal. Grabbing a pen and a notebook can be an amazing tool to begin to take you deeper into what's going on inside. When you're feeling all jumbled in your mind, journaling can force you to slow down and sort out what's going on. Because when you w
1. Get out your journal. Grabbing a pen and a notebook can be an amazing tool to begin to take you deeper into what's going on inside. When you're feeling all jumbled in your mind, journaling can force you to slow down and sort out what's going on. Because when you w